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In 2019 Agata Kubiak completed a PhD at London College of Music, University of West London, researching new music performance and creativity in string players. Professors David Osbon and Simon Zagorski - Thomas supervised her work.



2015 - 2016 Agata was working as a Research Assistant to Professor Simon Zagorski-Thomas on his AHRC funded 'Classical Music Hyper Production' Research Project









‘Composer-Performer Collaborations in New Compositions:

suggestions for change versus authorship’ in Music & Practice

Issue 6, ISSN 1893-9562,


Book Chapters:


‘New Instrument as Creativity Trigger in Composer-Performer

Collaboration’ in Perspectives in Music Production - 

Innovation in Music (2019) Edited by Hepworth Sawyer, 

Paterson and Toulson, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group),

publication scheduled for 2020




‘Inside-Outside no.1’ ; ‘Inside-Outside no.2’ published online by ‘21st Century Music Practice Research Network’




Agata presented at following conferences:


2015 RMA Conference Birmingham - 'Classical Music Hyper Production' Panel


2016 CMHP Conference, Performers Panel Discussion VIDEO


2016 WestGold Symposium, presented a paper: 'How did the use of popular music related technology influence performances of classical repertoire during CMHP research project?'


2016 UWL Doctoral Conference, presented a paper: 'Under what circumstances does performing new music encourage creativity in string players?'


2016 PSN International Conference, presented a paper: 'How did the use of an electric instrument and sound modifying tools such as guitar pedals influence rehearsals and performance of classical music repertoire in Hyper Production research project?'


2017 Sound and Vision Research Study Day, Southbank University, presented a paper: ‘Using Video of Musical Practice As An Analytical Tool As Well As A Data Collection Technique’


2017 WestGold Symposium, presented a paper: 'Six Spiders and it's unique dual part'


2017 UWL Doctoral Conference, presented a paper: 'Six Spiders and it's unique dual part'


2017 International MuSA Conference, Karlsruhe, presented a paper: 'Engineering the avoidance of canonical reference in music performance. A study of string players.'


2017 RMA Conference Liverpool, presented a lecture-recital with Bartosz Szafranski: 'Six Spiders and it’s unique dual part. Advantages, difficulties and consequences of engaging one performer in simultaneous vocal and instrumental expression.'


2018 BFERMA Conference Huddersfield, presented a paper with Bartosz Szafranski: 'Advantages of rehearsing and performing with technology-enhanced score presentation'



24th February 2018 Ambient at 40 Conference, Huddersfield, Electric Spring Festival, Performed 'Six Spiders' by Bartosz Szafranski'


4-8th July 2018 PSN Conference, Oslo, presented a paper 'Does composer-performer collaboration stimulate creativity? A study of string players.'


28-30th March 2019 AEC Conference, Cluj Napoca, presented a lecture-recital 'The creative value of multitasking - simultaneous violin and vocal performance'


9-11th October 2019 TCPM Conference, Lisbon, presented a paper 'Creativity - a problematic definition'


5-7th December 2019 InMusic19 Conference, London, presented a paper 'New Instrument as Creativity Trigger in Composer-Performer Collaboration'


2022, Huddersfield, to present a paper 'Hybrid Approach as a collaborative tool - 'Boojwah Bagatelles' for amplified violin and loop pedal'


date tbc, Huddersfield, to present a lecture-recital 'The creative value of multitasking - simultaneous violin and vocal improvisation'




14th December 2017, University of West London

Led DRIPS Seminar 'Can new music stimulate creativity?'


14th February 2018, University of West London, 

Co-led Composers Workshop on collaboration and extended violin technique


29th March 2018, Leeds College of Music

Leading a guest lecture/workshop 'Performing Live with Electronics'


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©2017 by Agata Kubiak

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